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Donna is the author of "I CAN DANCE Because HE LOVE ME"

Donna's Story

Donna Britt was an amazing woman of God. She devoted her life to raising her three children, Joseph, April, and Bridget in the ways of the Lord. And I can tell you (being her youngest child) that she left a great legacy. My mom was paralyzed from the neck down at the age of 39 and never regained movement of anything other than her right elbow bending. At first I’m sure she struggled with her predicament, but as time went on the greatest thing to her was giving glory to God through her situation. Many people have told me they would come to see my mom to encourage her and they would leave encouraged. She was always the one who asked how can I pray for you? Or what is going on with you? The Holy Spirit was so strong in her she would, a lot of times, have a word of knowledge for you or an awareness that you needed a touch from the Lord. And she would not complain about her condition, she would love on you and focus on you. Thank God he surrounded her with people she could cry out to and be vulnerable and share her struggles with.

One of my friends told me my mom had a worshippers heart and that is so true. When she was able to go to church she would down front in her wheelchair and roll back and forth. She would tell me I am dancing before my God. She always had a dream of being in a flowing white dress and dancing before and with her Jesus. And that’s exactly what she’s doing now. I know they are having the most beautiful dance and she is dressed in the most beautiful gown anyone has every seen and in colors we have never seen before. She is finally in the arms of the person who sustained her for 27 years in a body that would not work the way she wanted it to. I used to dream about what heaven would look  like, getting to walk to great people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, Paul, Lazarus. Or getting to see family who have gone before you. What’s my mansion going to look like? But I don’t have thoughts anymore about any of that. All I can think of is I will be in the presence of Almighty God and Jesus my savior who gave his precious life for me and you.

One of the scriptures that was very comforting to me when my mom died was Psalms 116:15 is says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of one of his saints.” I did not lose my mom, I know exactly where she is, in Heaven, and I am excited to join her as some point. My  mom, Donna Britt lived so much in the Spirit that because of the kindred spirit of Jesus I still feel her presence because of the presence of Jesus. If you want to get to know my mom more, her book will help, but the cry of her heart is that you come to know her Jesus. Scripture says, “For salvation that comes from trusting Christ-which is what we preach-is already within easy reach of us; it is as near as our own hearts and mouths. For if you tell others with your own mouth Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.” Romans 10: 8-10

If you just accepted Christ by reading that scripture Welcome To The Family of God! You are a NEW Creation! Now go tell people about what Jesus did for you and how he is transforming your life. You can even email me at I would love to know about your decision to follow Christ.

Donna Britt was a precious woman of God who “walked” among us and left a wonderful legacy of how awesome her Lord Jesus was. She may have never taken steps after she fell that day in November of 1991 but she walked in the Spirit every day she woke up. I pray you are blessed and encouraged when you read her book. She did not want her books to be sold for profit but if you the Lord lays it on your heart to give we would love to continue distributing her books in nursing homes and prisons. I want to leave you with one of the prayers my mom prayed over us as children: we would recite this every night before bed.

-Bridget Janosek


“Father I thank you
Disciple of the Lord
Taught of You
Obedient to your will
Great is my peace
In undisturbed composure
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
I grow in wisdom, stature
And I find favor with God and with man
In Jesus name I pray

My message to all who read this: There is no sin so deep and so vile that God cannot deliver you from it. He is able to set you free and make you complete, no matter what consequences have happened to you. He has done that for me. My prayer is for you to be free, whatever your situation is.

Donna Britt
